Macarthur Community College


This application form is ONLY for use by those that have enrolled with Macarthur previously.

I understand you will not debit my card until you have spoken to me.

I also understand that you will then use my  last used credit/debit card number.

First Name Last Name

Mailing Address

Course I wish to enrol in (example: typing tuition)

Course Identification Number (please check the number using our online brochure) (example:LP1148-10)

Course Starting Date (example: 5th March 2003)

My daytime number is My after hours number is

It is best to call me:
During the day         In the evening

The following information is required by the Federal Government for all enrolments in adult education.

Your information is coded and cannot be identified.


What Country were you born in?       Date of birth:


Do you speak a language other than English at home?

If yes, which language?


Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?  


Do you consider you have any disabilities?       If yes what type?


What is your highest completed school level? Yr 12  Yr 11    Yr 10  Yr 9 or lower


 In which YEAR did you complete that school level?  


 Since leaving school have you attempted or gained any formal qualifications?


 If yes please tick:    

Bachelor Degree or higher   Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree  Diploma Certificate IV   Certificate III Certificate II   CCertificate I  Miscellaneous


Which of the following would best describe your current employment? Please tick.

Full time employee

Part time employee

Unemployed - Seeking full time paid work                

Employed unpaid worker in family business

Unemployed -  Seeking part time paid work

Self employed  - not employing others


Not employed - not seeking including students, retired, volunteers


Please click the Submit button below or the Reset button to start again.