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    Term TWO 2004

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    Basic Reception and Office Skills
    Statement of Attainment in Communicate in the Workplace
    Statement of Attainment in Process and Maintain Workplace Information
    Statement of Attainment in Deliver a Service to Customers
    Statement of Attainment in Provide Information to Clients
    This course combines four units (BSBCMN203A, 206A, 208A, 209A) from Certificate II in Business and is designed to give school leavers and people re-entering the workforce the skills required to work in the office environment. You will learn to use common office equipment, filing, telephone techniques, customer service and OH&S. Concession fee $115.
    AC3CIWD/PMWD/DSCD/PICD $195 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Tuesday 27 July 9:30am-1pm
    28 Hours 8 Sessions Alison Webb

    AC3CIWE/PMWE/DSCE/PICE $195 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Tuesday 27 July 6pm-9pm
    24 Hours 8 Sessions Judith Norris

    Statement of Attainment in Maintain a General Ledger
    Statement of Attainment in Process Accounts Payable and Receivable
    In these two units (BSBADM309A and BSBADM310A) from Certificate III in Business Administration, participants will learn the basic elements of bookkeeping, including types of accounts, debits and credits, preparing journals, posting journal entries to the general ledger and preparing a trial balance. You will also learn about bank reconciliations, maintenance of accounts payable and accounts receivable records, processing of payments to creditors, and handling overdue accounts receivable. All these concepts will then be applied using the accounting software program MYOB. Participants do not require prior experience with MYOB but will need some experience with Windows-based computers. Access to a computer outside of course hours is an advantage. Concession fee $415.
    AC3MGL/PAPR $495 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Thursday 29 July 9am-3:30pm
    52 Hours 8 Sessions Lyndall Cox

    Computer Concepts
    Statement of Attainment in Operate a Personal Computer
    This unit (ICAITU128A) from Certificate II in Information Technology defines the competency required to start up, identify and select icons, correctly navigate and organise the desktop environment and use a range of functions. The course covers * start computer and access basic system information and features * navigate and manipulate desktop environment * organise basic directory and folder structures * organise files for user and/or organisational requirements * print information and correctly shut down computer. Course fee includes workbook and floppy disk to store your work on. One person per computer - consecutive weeks from start date. Concession fee $110.
    AC3PCD $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Friday 30 July 9:30am-2pm
    22 Hours 5 Sessions Pauline Osman

    AC3PCDW $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Sunday 15 August 9:30am-2pm
    22 Hours 5 Sessions Pauline Osman

    Computers for Beginners
    Statement of Attainment in Operate Computer Hardware
    Statement of Attainment in Operate Computer Packages
    Two units from Certificate II in Information Technology (ICAITU005B - Operate Computer Hardware and ICAITU006B - Operate Computer Packages). This course will help you use your computer more effectively. It will introduce you to word processing using Word 2000, spreadsheets using Excel 2000 and databases using Access 2000. Learn how to create, save and print your work and then find it again. A great course for beginners if you have passed the 'turn on' stage. You will find out how to access help when you need it as well as information about a range of computer equipment. This course will provide you with the skills that are prerequisites for more advanced computer courses. Course fee includes workbook and floppy disk to store your work on. One person per computer - consecutive weeks from start date. Concession fee $110.
    AC3CH1/CP1 $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Monday 26 July 6:30pm-9pm
    20 Hours 8 Sessions John Hancock

    AC3CH2/CP2 $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Wednesday 25 August 9:30am-3pm
    22 Hours 4 Sessions Frances Devine

    Databases - MS Access 2000
    Statement of Attainment in Operate Database Application
    This unit (ICAITU131A) from Certificate II in Information Technology defines the competency required to operate database applications and perform basic operations. The course covers * create a database * customise basic settings * create reports * create forms * retrieve information. Prerequisites: typing ability, Windows and mouse skills or attendance at a Computers for Beginners/Concepts course. Consecutive weeks from start date for Wednesday course or three, seven-hour days plus one, three-hour day for weekend course. Concession fee $110.
    AC3DAD $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Wednesday 28 July 9:30am-12:30pm
    21 Hours 7 Sessions Janette Park

    AC3DAW $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Sunday 25 July 9am-4pm/9am-12n
    24 Hours 4 Sessions Frances Devine

    Food Safety Level 1
    Statement of Attainment in Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures
    Statement of Attainment in Apply Retail Food Safety Practices
    Statement of Attainment in Follow Basic Food Safety Practices
    Safe food preparation, handling and storage including the FSANZ and NSW Health food regulations. Suitable for everyone involved in food preparation, handling or service. Ensure that you are up to date with new Food Safety Standards. Upon successful completion of this course participants will be issued with a multi-industry, nationally accredited certificate aligned to the National Hospitality THH02, Retail WRR02 and Health HLT02 Industry Training Packages. This level meets the needs for Child Care, Canteen, OOSH and Aged Care Accreditation and HACCP Food Safety Program training requirements. Statement of Attainment issued for the following units: THHGHS01B Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures, WRRLP6C Apply Retail Food Safety Practices and HLTSA7A Follow Basic Food Safety Practices. Course delivered by CFT NSW - RTO 21120. No concession.
    AC3FS1 $95 (GST free) Campbelltown H.S.
    Saturday 21 August 10am-2:30pm
    4.5 Hours 1 Session CFT - NSW

    AC3FS2 $95 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Monday 26 July 10am-2:30pm
    4.5 Hours 1 Session CFT - NSW

    Statement of Attainment in Send and Retrieve Information over the Internet
    This unit (ICAITU133A) from Certificate II in Information Technology defines the competency required to complete basic web search tasks and send and receive emails with attachments. The course covers * access the internet * search internet * send and organise messages * create an address book. Prerequisites: keyboard, Windows and mouse skills essential, or attendance at a 'Computers for Beginners/Concepts' course. Concession fee $110.
    AC3SRIW $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Saturday 24 July 9:30am-4:30pm
    21 Hours 3 Sessions Pauline Osman

    Medical Terminology
    Statement of Attainment in Use Basic Medical Terminology
    Statement of Attainment in Use Advanced Medical Terminology
    This accredited course of two units (BSBMED201A and BSBMED301A) from the Specialist Administration Standards of the Business Services Training Package will help you understand and correctly use a range of medical terms, phrases and abbreviations. It is ideal for those seeking work in the Health Services Industry, e.g. receptionist, typist, health fund worker, hospital administration and medical records personnel. The course covers: *Respond appropriately to instructions which contain basic/advanced medical terminology * Carry out routine tasks *Use appropriate basic/advanced medical terminology in oral and written communication with patients, fellow workers and health professionals. This course requires homework to be completed between sessions. Conducted over two, eight-week terms on Tuesday nights or five Saturdays. Prerequisites: participants must speak fluent English with good reading and writing skills. Course notes and medical dictionary included in course fee. Concession fee $160.
    AC3MTBE/MTAE $240 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Tuesday 27 July 6:30pm-9pm
    40 Hours 16 Sessions Marina LoMonaco

    AC3MTBW/MTAW $240 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Saturday 31 July 9am-5pm
    40 Hours 5 Sessions Marina LoMonaco

    Presentations - MS PowerPoint 2000
    Statement of Attainment in Operate a Presentation Package
    This unit (ICAITU132A) from Certificate II in Information Technology defines the competency required to operate a presentation application and perform basic operations. The course covers * create presentations * customise basic settings * format presentation * add slide show effects * print presentation and notes. Prerequisites: keyboard, mouse, Windows and word processing skills essential. Concession fee $110.
    AC3PPE $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Tuesday 27 July 6:30pm-9pm
    20 Hours 8 Sessions Janette Park

    Responsible Conduct of Gambling
    Statement of Attainment in Provide Responsible Conduct of Gambling
    LAB approved RCG training is mandatory in NSW for all managers, Licensees and Secretary Managers in Hotels and Clubs and all staff and prospective staff who work in gaming areas. Training covers: the NSW machine gaming industry, the indicators and impact of problem gambling, the gambling harm minimisation framework, strategies for implementing responsible gaming practices and the benefits of implementing responsible gaming practices. Manual included in course fee. Course conducted and certificate issued by CFT NSW - RTO 21120. No concession.
    AC3RCG1 $85 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Monday 2 August 9:30am-4pm
    6.5 Hours 1 Session CFT - NSW

    AC3RCG2 $85 (GST free) Campbelltown H.S.
    Saturday 4 September 9:30am-4pm
    6.5 Hours 1 Session CFT - NSW

    Responsible Service of Alcohol
    Statement of Attainment in Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
    Mandatory LAB approved RSA courses are required for anyone involved with the sale or service of alcoholic beverages, whether it be in a Hotel, Restaurant, Liquor store or Club. Training covers: legal requirements of the sale and service of alcohol in NSW; harm minimisation and duty of care; anticipating problems and managing patrons; assess and monitor the levels of intoxication of patrons; advise patrons on 'standard drinks' and the effects of alcohol; provide a range of options to assist customers to drink within appropriate limits; skills to detect and prevent under-age drinking and refusing service to intoxicated customers. Manual included in course fee. LAB Certificate and Statement of Attainment THHBFB09B from the Hospitality Training Package THH02 issued by CFT NSW - RTO 21120. No concession.
    AC3RSA1 $85 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Sunday 25 July 9:30am-4pm
    6.5 Hours 1 Session CFT - NSW

    AC3RSA2 $85 (GST free) Campbelltown H.S.
    Saturday 14 August 9:30am-4pm
    6.5 Hours 1 Session CFT - NSW

    AC3RSA3 $85 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Monday 6 September 9:30am-4pm
    6.5 Hours 1 Session CFT - NSW

    Spreadsheets - MS Excel 2000
    Statement of Attainment in Operate a Spreadsheet Application
    This unit (ICAITU130A) from Certificate II in Information Technology defines the competency required to correctly operate spreadsheet applications and perform basic operations. The course covers * create spreadsheets * customise basic settings * format spreadsheet * incorporate objects and charts in spreadsheet * print spreadsheet. Prerequisites: keyboard, Windows and mouse skills essential, or attendance at a 'Computers for Beginners/Concepts' course. Concession fee $110. Manual and floppy disk included. Consecutive weeks from start date.
    AC3SAD $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Monday 26 July 9:30am-1:30pm
    24 Hours 6 Sessions Janette Park

    Word Processing - MS Word 2000
    Statement of Attainment in Operate a Word Processing Application
    This unit (ICAITU129A) from Certificate II in Information Technology defines the competency required to correctly operate word processing applications and perform basic operations. The course covers * create documents * customise basic settings to meet page layout conventions * format document * create tables * add objects and images and * print word processing documents. Prerequisites: typing, Windows and mouse skills essential, or attendance at a 'Computers for Beginners/Concepts' course and an ability to practice between each session. Concession fee $110. Manual and floppy disk included. Consecutive weeks from start date.
    AC3WAD $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Friday 30 July 9:30am-1pm
    28 Hours 8 Sessions Janette Park

    AC3WAW $190 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Sunday 29 August 9am-3:30pm
    26 Hours 4 Sessions Frances Devine

    Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training
    The Training Package called Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training is the most current industry qualification. Each Unit and the full Certificate are VETAB accredited and give you a nationally recognised qualification as a Trainer and Assessor in the workplace. For ease of learning and flexibility we have combined Units into Learning Modules. You can enrol in all four Modules to do the whole Certificate or individual modules according to your needs. All modules require workshop attendance, self-directed learning and workplace projects. The workshop component for the full Certificate involves nine days. Enrol in the full Certificate and pay a fee of $960, which includes all learning materials.

    Module 1: Train Small Groups (BSZ404A)
    This module provides an overview of adult learning, training and assessment in the workplace. The practical component for this module will be included later in Module 3 - day 6. If you are only going to do one course to enhance your skills for small group training in the workplace or intend to teach with the College, it is recommended that you take the course 'Train Small Groups, Plan and Deliver Training Sessions'. The module 'Train Small Groups' is an introduction to the complete Certificate IV. No concession.
    AC3AWF1 $120 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Fridays July 23, 30, August 27 9am-5pm
    Barry Russell

    AC3AWT1 $120 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Saturdays July 24, 31, August 28 8:30am-5pm
    Barry Russell

    Module 2: Plan, Promote and Review a Training Program (BSZ 405A, 408A)
    Designed to enable participants to identify training needs within their workplace and to plan and promote appropriate training strategies to meet those needs. The module concludes by examining the processes used to review training. No concession.
    AC3AWF2-3 $240 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Fridays August 6, 13 9am-5pm
    Barry Russell

    AC3AWT2-3 $240 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Saturdays August 7, 14 8:30am-5pm
    Barry Russell

    Module 3: Plan and Deliver a Series of Training Sessions (BSZ406A, 407A)
    This module offers participants the opportunity of gaining the skills to plan, deliver and review training sessions. It examines the various strategies and resources used to deliver training sessions and provide a safe environment to practise the delivery skills. Participants will deliver a 20 minute session to the group on day 6 and then a 50 minute session on day 9. No concession.
    AC3AWF4-5 $240 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Fridays August 20, 27, September 17 9am-5pm
    Barry Russell

    AC3AWT4-5 $240 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Saturdays August 21, 28, September 18 8:30am-5pm
    Barry Russell

    Module 4: Plan, Conduct and Review Assessment
    (BSZ401A, 402A, 403A)
    Designed to provide the appropriate skill development for teachers, supervisors, industrial officers and human resource personnel who are required to carry out the role of assessor. It details the requirement for determining evidence, selecting appropriate assessment methods and developing an assessment tool in a specific context. No concession.
    AC3AWF6-8 $360 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Fridays September 3, 10 9am-5pm
    Barry Russell

    AC3AWT6-8 $360 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Saturdays September 4, 11 8:30am-5pm
    Barry Russell


    The College requires the following course as the minimum qualification to teach general program courses.

    Train Small Groups, Plan and Deliver Training Sessions (BSZ404A, 406A, 407A)
    This four-day participative course provides an overview of adult learning principles and training for current and prospective Adult and Community Education tutors in the preparation, delivery and review of ACE courses. You will receive 32 hours of face-to-face training that includes a supervised practicum during the last session. Equivalent to Modules 1 and 3 of the Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training advertised opposite. Four consecutive weeks from start date. No concession.
    AC3TSG/PST/DTS $360 (GST free) Cartwright P.S.
    Sunday 1 August 9am-5pm
    32 Hours 4 Sessions Barry Russell